Step 1: Log in to our portal and go to Interconnection -> Host - Add to add your source IP address
Step 2: Please wait 2-3 minutes so the new IP could propogate to all of our SBC nodes.
Step 3: From your source IP entered in step 1, issue an enum request dig -t naptr
Example 1: dig -t naptr (TelephoneNumber)
Example 2: for telephone number 3109060901 use dig -t naptr
Step 4: You will receive the following response. In this case, the CNAM response for 3109060901 is BULK SOLUTIONS
;; ANSWER SECTION: 5 IN NAPTR 10 10 "u" "E2U+pstndata:cnam" "!^.*$!pstndata:cnam/+13109060901;;charset=us-ascii,BULK SOLUTIONS!" .